Another Way with Dani

The Art of Navigating Death Cycles: Ginny Muir

Dani O'Brien Buckley Episode 1

In this episode with Ginny Muir (coach, healer, and medicine women), we explore what a death cycle is and how these tiny (and sometimes large) deaths in our life are a real opportunity for rebirth. Whether it's the loss of a relationship, an identity, or an actual human we love... or a major life transition that we're navigating... we're all faced with death cycles as part of the human experience.

Ginny walks us through the common phases of a death cycle, relatable examples, and tips on how one can more gracefully embrace, navigate, and even prepare for a death cycle. 

Get in touch with Ginny Muir:
Her website is currently under construction but you can stay in touch with Ginny on  Instagram: @ginnymuir or contact her via email at 

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